Mental Health/Wellness Coaching, Life Coaching, Grief/Trauma Coaching, & Relationship/Parent Coaching

What is Coaching? What type do you need?

Legal Disclaimer

I’m a Certified Life Coach and Mental Health/Wellness Coach. I am NOT a physician, psychiatrist, or medical professional. I cannot diagnose or cure any mental health disorders. I’ve been trained to provide guidance, emotional support, and encouragement. I help clients reach their personal goals, handle life challenges, and reach their fullest potential. I can provide faith based coaching and prayer.

Description of Coaching Services

Mental health coaches help their patients develop a greater awareness of themselves and learn effective tools to better manage the challenges in their lives.

Coaches help and empower clients to manage emotions, challenge negative thinking patterns, improve relationship skills, reduce stress and anxiety, improve energy, and enjoy life. They’ll work with you to elevate your mood, challenge self-limiting beliefs, and teach you about the importance of self-love and acceptance. Coaching focuses on the present. Through creative approaches and skills, coaches let the clients explore the links between the past and the present. They connect the clients strongly with their present and future. They make the clients reflect on what actions in the present will be fruitful for their well-being. Coaches work on helping guide people towards their goals. To focus on where you are and help you get where you want to be. Coaching helps one explore their faith, dreams, hopes, goals, visions, and dreams in life.

All clients are welcome regardless of faith or religious beliefs.

Christian coaching is done from a biblical perspective and allows clients to utilize their faith within the coaching sessions. Goal setting is done with reverence to the client’s Christian understanding of a productive and God-honoring life. We seek to integrate Christian morals, values, and principles into the process of resolving personal issues. In Christian coaching, focus areas may include a client’s discovery of their calling spiritual gifts or integrating their faith into other areas of life. Christian coaches may pray with or for their clients, utilize Scripture, and discuss Christian beliefs within sessions.

As a Relationship Coach, I can work with couples who are engaged or married. I teach healthy boundaries, good communication, and conflict resolution tools. I often discuss the 5 Love Languages as well as refer to the study tool “I said this you heard this.” Both allow you to find out more about you as an individual and what you can bring into the relationship. You may also find something that you need to work on. Other tools that I teach are vulnerability, active listening and speaking with empathy.

As a Parent Coach, I will support your families’ values, priorities and goals and provide accountability, reflections, and feedback to help you fulfill your vision.  I will help parents clarify how they want their relationships with their kids to be and encourage them along the journey. I will suggest new tools to help you be the parent you want to be in order to create a deeper and more fulfilling connection within the relationship. I will not fix your child your you. Instead, we work on understanding and building individual strengths and help you grow together with empowerment and encouragement.

As a Trauma Coach Trauma Coach, I help clients to deal with different types of traumas. I help guide people on how to heal one’s wounds and help them get back to their lives.  I help clients try and understand the recovery process and reconnect them with themselves and the world around them. I do this by utilizing my own strengths to build a life worth living and full of joy. I teach and empower hope in clients and discover ways to make the clients enjoy their present.

As a Grief Coach, I offer practical advice on dealing with everyday tasks. I help a person in mourning to process, integrate and move forward amidst their losses. I help clients to make cognitive, behavioral, and emotional changes that facilitate change and healing. I do this by educating and providing tools and resources that help with surviving and thriving after the death or trauma of a loved one. This may include information on dealing with typical symptoms of grief, such as anger, sadness, and loneliness.

As a life coach, my main focus is to help others with setting healthy boundaries. So many people struggle with people pleasing mentality and do not know how to take care of or prioritize themselves. Teaching people how to say no without feeling guilty along the way. Boundary work can help with gaining confidence, compassion, and peace.

Risks of Coaching

While coaching is an incredible opportunity for client growth and goal attainment, coaching is not without risk. If you seek coaching because you are dissatisfied with an aspect of your life, exploring how to move forward may result in painful feelings.